Dr. Andreas Doerfler

Phone: +1.514.228.6983
Fax: +1.450.929.8102
E-mail: andreas.doerfler@inrs.ca
Office: 108

Institut national de la recherche scientifique
1650, Blvd. Lionel-Boulet
Varennes (QC) J3X 1P7 CANADA

Research topic

Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions: Design, Simulation and Optimization

MEMS pressure sensors: Computational approach to sensor optimization

Fields of interest

-Raman / Infrared Spectroscopy

- Continuum physics: Optimzation, FEM/FVM

- Thermomechanics, Fluid Dynamics

- Electronics: Microcontrollers, Circuit Design


Master in Photonics (University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany)
Bachelors Degree in Physical Engineering (University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany)